So perhaps it was a bit of the Amster-hangover or perhaps the inclement weather but ultimately we weren't big fans of the city of lights. While she has her highlights and certainly her own vibe, Paris did not win the affections of these three fellas.

We took the train from Amsterdam and missed our connection in Brussels thanks to Miss Information at the Amsterdam train station. It did all work out and I encourage future travellers that when in doubt look distressed and people will usually let you at least sit on the floor of a train even if there are no seats remaining.
Anywho, we arrived, checked into our 'hotel' and promptly went out to see the majors: Arch de Triumph, le Tour Eiffel et les Champs Elysees.
My honest advice when it comes to the Eiffel Tower is do not go up it unless you absolutely, positively have a deep yearning to do so and if that's the case make a reservation in advance (especially if you're proposing). Personally, I found the base impressive and breathtaking but the hour wait at the base to ride to the second floor to get in another 45 minute line to ride to the summit was not my cup of tea for a good view. Sacre Cour has brilliant views of the city as well but you won't lose 2 hours of your life to an unforgiving line where it is unlikely you'll hear a word of French (they know better).
The following day I was recovering from a poor run-in with beef bourguignon the night before and I hung back for a couple more hours of lying down while the boys hit the Louvre. It's free the first Sunday of every month and while the line may seem ominous as opposed to le line d'Eiffel this one actually moves (especially if you have a bottle of wine in your hand that you need to finish before you reach the front).When I was able to pull myself back together I ventured out on my own and took in Notre Dame and some of the beautiful areas in the 1st and 2nd arrondissements. Notre Dame was quite beautiful and stunning and made me think a fair amount about St. Paul's in London as they're an interesting contrast. Nonetheless, the day was mostly wandering, drinking and eating and for me this was the highlight of the trip to Paris.
I doubt it's a coincidence that there were a limited number of Parisians in any of the queues we experienced during our time in Paris. If I were to go back again I would focus more time on the cafe and park culture and less on the major sites. Yes they are beautiful and stunning and make sure you take them in but surely the joy of Paris is just to be in such a historic city. Etre was the first verb I ever learned to conjugate en francais and. The simple act of just being can sometimes be lost during a whirlwind trip such as ours but at least for one day I felt a bit closer to saying je suis Parisian (although don't worry - I didn't buy a beret).
P.s. If you're ever trying to take a group jumping picture in front of a major monument, choose your photographer wisely. Young girls with fancy cameras do not mean they know how to use them, it just means they have a fancy camera.
P.p.s. I was pleasantly surprised at my ability to communicate in Franglais. Kudos to my French teachers and cereal boxes of the past that taught me more or less how to stumble through a sentance, locate a gym, read a menu and choose my wine - actually that thanks goes to my parents ;-)
Thanks for sharing Andrew! You are an excellent writer and the photos are wonderful. Big hugs to you and the boys. xo --Randy