Mitch and Josh left today destined for Calgary by way of Athens and London. I'd like to say that I was resolute and strong with no sadness for their departure and only exhilaration for what comes next but I promised myself I'd be honest in this blog so the truth was that I was struck by a great amount of sadness and shed more than a few tears.
The past three weeks were have been extraordinary and filled with fun and immeasurable laughs. Who could ask for more than getting to gallivant around Europe with two of your best friends? I didn't expect to be so struck by their departure but there I was - my parting image to the boys being one of tears and snot.
And while that instant was filled with sadness I believe it's only sad because of the unknown of the future. Our pasts are relative, known. They are the yardstick by which we go on to measure our future instances. There is nothing scary about the past and what has already transpired; but the future... what lies ahead in our world and our lives is the adventure still unknown. We cannot smile, laugh or even weep over moments yet to unfold and while I hope and have confidence that my future will contain adventure and joy rather than grief in that moment - that instant in my life - I largely felt sadness to see my friends ride off into their futures while I stood in quiet anticipation of mine.

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